Our Winemaking

Tradition, Innovation and Craftsmanship

Tradition, innovation and craftsmanship epitomize today’s Cooperativa V. Sant Pere de Moixent winery, proudly representing our native province of Valencia. Faithful to our origins, our fourth generation of winemakers maintains the passion for authenticity and commitment to quality grapes and wines that inspired the cooperative’s founders more than 70 years ago

Our medium-sized winery is in excellent condition and is well equipped to transform about 440 tons of native grapes into wine every year. We find that a traditional approach using concrete tanks has allowed us to follow a more meticulous and artisanal approach in our winemaking practices. This commitment to small-batch craftsmanship is something we have carried forward through the years.

Since its construction in 1950 we have made our wines in the same way, using the traditional and adapting to new times and new techniques.

Located in the south of the province of Valencia, ours exemplifies why Cooperatives in small towns are so special in Spain. And it is that our partner-farmers are still determined to cultivate the vineyard as their great-grandparents did, pampering the plant, loving every inch of land….

Currently we produce modern, elegant wines in a clearly Mediterranean style, something preferred and highly valued by the knowledgeable wine lovers that will also delight the senses of anyone who tastes them, regardless of background.

Moixent boasts of having a special microclimate, a landscape and a soil where the necessary conditions are created for the best wines in the Valencian Community to be born. Included within the “Terres dels Alforins” Association (Moixent-Fontanars-La Font de la Figuera), our winery shares these benefits with some of the best Valencian wineries.

Inside the winery we have ninety concrete tanks in use and sixty American and French oak barrels. These resources, together with the exceptional terroir of our grapes, allows us to produce excellent wines that show the full potential of the Valencia DO. The expert hands of our farmer-partners treat the vines with great care based on generations of experience: another important quality factor for our wines.

Thanks to the concrete, we managed to better control the temperature. In addition, small natural micro-oxygenations are produced inside it that help us to achieve rounder and more structured wines.

Ours are fresh Mediterranean wines, made in concrete tanks and aged for a long time in concrete on the lees. They are wines made with great respect for the varieties and our environment, transmitting our landscape in a very simple way, they are unknown wines that surprise the people who discover us.


Do you have any questions? Please contact us and we'll be happy to assist